The Goodtime Hotel
Client | Groot Hospitality |
Status | Completed |
Sector | Architects of Record |
Eclectic charm, good vibes, and contemporary flair. Spanning an entire block on South Beach's Washington Avenue, the hotel and adjacent retail breathe new life into the area with a reimagined art deco aesthetic.

Groot Hospitality
Architects of Record
South Beach
Time span
2018 - 2021
137,000 sf
Morris Adjmi as lead designers, Nichols Architects as executive architects

The 266-key hotel boasts approximately 100,000 square feet of public spaces, comprising 45,000 square feet of street-level retail, a 30,000 square feet restaurant and pool club, a gym, a library, a recording studio, and more.
Behind this remarkable endeavor stands a highly creative team, including hospitality entrepreneur David Grutman, Pharell Williams, developers from Imperial Companies, design by Morris Adjmi Architects, executive architects from Nichols Architects, interiors by Ken Fulk, and landscape design by Raymond Jungles.

Partner In Charge

Patrick Busteed
Senior Vice President
Project Lead

Kenneth Gauthreaux
Senior Associate
Project Team

Kenneth Gauthreaux
Senior Associate