Burger King Across From Brickell City Centre Approved By FAA To Be Replaced With 78-Story Tower

18 by NBWW
The Federal Aviation Administration has granted approval for a 960 foot tower to replace the Burger King strip mall across from Brickell City Centre.
The owner of the property has also been granted city approval for a 78-story tower on the property called 18. It is planned to include four stories of retail at the base, with the upper levels to include 392 residential units, in a tower designed by Nichols Brosch Wurst Wolfe & Associates.
Architect NBWW has said the tower would be among “the most architecturally-compelling structures to rise in downtown Miami.”

18 by NBWW via The Next Miami
Read on >>>> Source: The Next Miami Burger King Across From Brickell City Centre Approved By FAA To Be Replaced With 78-Story Tower, After Owner Sues Over Brickell Heights Construction